Monday, October 15, 2007


I know ya'll can read cuz yer reading this. This quote is from elequently stated musicians such a D'Mite, "Read a book n!%$a, not a magazine" If you'd like suggestion I have one. It's called the Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster. It's one of my fave books, not only does it have clever illustrations...oh I forgot to tell ya it's a kid's book, but if you didn't read it as a kid you should hurry up and get to reading because you could not possible live up to yer potention without reading this. Everytime I pass by restless folks in the neighborhood,you know, the uninspired 27 year old dudes that hang out at the laundomat, on the corner, McDonalds etc., I always wanna give them this book and a shot of wheatgrass.

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