Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hi Guys I'm back

So Dookyblog has become one of my children in the attics...Don't act like you weren't secretly obsessed w/ V.C. Andrews. I have oodles of excuses as to why I've been neglecting the turd. These are just a few of my favorites.

1. I was jumped by a midget cabie and he stole my camera.

2. I was trapped in Marshall Fields in Chicago and recently got released on probation.

3. I recently learned how to read, read Running With Scissors by Augusten Bourroughs
and realized what a bad writer I am.

4. I'm working on becoming a millionaire...kind of, but if you'd like to speed the process along please send boxes of money to me.

5. My dog died (a few years ago), but I'm still grieving. I thought about getting a tat like DMX's but that tattoo sucks. RIP Coco, I'm pouring out some liquor...on my keyboard for you. Speaking of bad tatoos check this guys tat out...what happens if paisley comes back in style?

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