Sunday, July 23, 2006

Beauty Pageants are Dumb

Next matter of business. I hate Beauty pageants, beauty queens, beauty contest etc. Not because they degrade women etc. there are many more social events that do a better job at degradation of women than pageants. I just honestly don't get them. What are they for? What do they mean? Ooooh look at her fancy dress and Vasalined teeth! wow she's smart? huh? Another thing that's weird is that there is a 'Miss' for just about every category just so folks won't feel like losers-Miss Negro... I mean Miss African American-Miss Puerto Rico, In PR and in the US-Miss Baby-Miss Teen-Miss America-Miss Universe...Now that the gov has admited that extraterrestrial life exists, we have Miss Galaxy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

first of all there both realy realy UGLY