Saturday, June 30, 2007


Dream Deferred,
Not There Yet,
Instant Success Seekers,
and Guidance Seeking,

In the short time that I've launched this clothing line I have had the privilege to encounter all of you. Many of you I have met in my own reflection or seen in people and I often battle to keep all of you within site but not at home. I believe that we as individuals, groups and communities have too much potential to let our dreams get deferred. I understand that sometimes life and fear gets in the way of creativity and innovation but at the end of the day you determine what will be the filler of your time in this space. Lately I've gotten asked many questions about the items that I make and I welcome all of them. A reoccurring theme in these questions is process, not so much creative process, but business process. Now I could easily print a nice hefty report of wholesale vendors, pricing, programmers, pattern makers, vintage fabric store, sewing machine repair shops, and general marketing advice etc. but that wouldn't help anyone. In fact it would be an utter waste of my time because this 'formula' works for far. This isn't to say that it wouldn't work for another. What I'm trying to communicate is that there is no template for following your goals because after all they are your goals. Figure out what you want, and figure out how to get it. If you want a cookie from the jar, first you determine you want a cookie, then figure out how to get to the jar, figure out how to open it, reach your lil hand in , grab that cookie, pull your hand out the jar, bring it to your mouth and bite. That's they way I would get the cookie, what would you do?...hope that helps.



Overworked and Constipaded said...

We're wearing Blu Blockers in Toronto cos you're shinin' so goddamn bright Chanel.

Fuck yea.

Anonymous said...

Hello Lady,

How are you doing? As you sent me to here I am writing in your blog, Lady.

I am very impressed with what you did in your life as I am going the similar way but I am quite a few years behind you. I am working on notebooks and cards now as they are little art pieces I do for a start (I cannot afford to invest a lot into clothers yet). You do buy clothers in bulk how do you find the suppliers, so you don't have additional labels, etc and could you share with me how do you transfer prints? As I tried doing that with image transfer paper but it is very costly and it doesn't work very well. Any advice for a beginner?

Sorry for giving you so many questions though I saw what you do and I am overly impressed;-)

Your art admirer :-)