Heya Dudies! this Blog has been relocated to
Thx for checking it out
Heya Dudies! this Blog has been relocated to
Thx for checking it out
Posted by
The Dooky
5:13 PM
TemporaryGallery is no more. Your probably thinking, 'Didn't it just open?' The answer is yes, but I guess the financial backer decided he wanted a gallery that focuses on Contemporary Chinese's a total 360. The strange part is that I guess all this went into effect the week that Insinuation opened (the show that I'm in) So last week I went to pick up my artwork and there was a new show with a bunch of work on Chairman was the twilight zone.
Here's the dope part...I'm not exclusively represented anymore so if I decide to show my work I can do it anywhere. Here's the 'not dope' part, I don't really like showing at galleries so I won't be persueing that for now...but if yer a gallery and think you'd like to sell my artwork, I have a ton, I just won't be creating new work for wall.
Posted by
The Dooky
12:48 PM
Due to good karma and smart work I've landed an Amazing new work spot in Red Hook!!!! Yay look at the pics. Before this spot all my goodies were made out of my bredroom in a 10"x15" space. I share it with some other wicked etsy sellers, like CubistLiterature, and DesiraPesta and a bunch of other fun peeps.
Can't you just feel the love!
Posted by
The Dooky
12:34 PM
Posted by
The Dooky
3:44 PM
I am very intrigued with words that we give too much power to, such as Nigger. Check out what he has to say about the title of his new album. The most fascinating part of this is the reporters demeanor and reactions to his comments.
Posted by
The Dooky
9:05 AM
These days I've been feeling really techie. Me and the interenets have a real "intense" relationship. I absolutely love browsing and all the wonderful stuff that exists on line, love designing sites but when it comes to building sites, that part drives me a bit bonkers and I tent to hire a programmer for the dirty code stuff.
I recently completed Temporary Gallery's site (with out a programmer) and like how it turned out so that inspired me to give a facelift. I always intended dookyblog to be a stand alone site but out of I guess lazyness it ended up a blogger blog. I love google as much as the next person and was super happy when they aquired blogger because it made the whole interface alot easier to use, but like all good sweaters I out grew them and am in the beta staged of still attempting to export my blogger blog to this one...worpress keeps telling me it should be easy but i beg to differ ;) It's not like I can have only one pot on the I've takin' on
Here's the goal: To get a few items up and for sale direcly through, while directing customers to my whole line which is showcased on Don't worry etsy, I'm not leaving you...just expanding. I tries OScommerce and zen cart as cart applications, and I was able to modift the CSS info to get the 'store' looking okay...but not great and I kept having stange security problems so for now I've settled on 'buy now' options for each item. Until I cand find a snazzy PHP programmer who wants a but of buisness. In the mean time These are screen shots of the site so far. Let me know yer thought...and any programmers out there, let's be friends!
Posted by
The Dooky
9:42 AM
Posted by
The Dooky
9:23 PM
I've felt the need to make bags. Lately that's all I've been inspired to do. I'm really playin with scale check out these hujormous bags...thes are the types yer doctors want you about
Posted by
The Dooky
9:22 PM
A friend of mine sent this to me this morning, its a paper mache float of Bin Ladin bathing in blood (doesn't he look like a chef in tomato sauce) and was used along with Düsseldorf's Rose Monday Carnival. They must think that Americans are retards, and w/ the type of leadership we currently have, who could blame them! This parade looks like fun, they have a good sense of humor, 100 times better than the Macy's Day Parade! Read more here.
Posted by
The Dooky
11:44 AM
Labels: bath, bin laden, blood, carnival, germany, paper mache, politics
as if the cloudy day wasn't enough...some bloke left these wonderful skates on the curb...was it that depressing?
When I saw these I was instantly reminded That Empire Roller skating rink had closed...the last Roller rink within the boroughs...pour out some was home of the Roller disco for goodness sake!
Posted by
The Dooky
12:08 AM
Incase you missed out, just wanted to let you know the opening was super fun...a trillion people showed up. It was pretty amazing...especially since I've never participated in a show (that didn't feature over 50 artists) that had this big of a turn out Yah! TemporaryGallery rocks my socks off.
The show will be on display til Feb 10th, so if yer in the Lower East Side be sure to check it out
Posted by
The Dooky
3:34 PM
This was def a nice surprise...
Posted by
The Dooky
1:48 PM
Labels: clothing, etsy, hoodie, junkprints, yellow
Hey neglected step child blog. I forgot to tell ya all about the Santogold party I went to last Thursday. The Fader put it on so yes it was the place to be, but better than all that, this lady's performance was pretty good...her dancers were AMAZING! Like all things I have to put some things on blast, now, it's not that she doesn't sound's that she sounds british ahhh, specifically like MIA. So that kind of makes her like Amy Winehouse (pls listen to Ester Phillips). Which is kinda lame (not to be confused with Lamé). I've know about here for a while now but after I started finding out about here I kinda got the phony vibe and that makes it hard for me to REALLY get down with Santogold. I must say, I'd rather listen to Santo and Amy more than most of the crap on the radio. Either way her stuff is worth checkin' out.
Big up to Mel D. ©ole Photography for the pic
Heya peeps! Happy New year and all that jazz. I have some fantastic news! I am now repesented by Temporary Gallery! Check out there site. I did it last week. This January I thought I'd get a chnce to relax maybe take a quick vaca...but no such luck :( but on the flip side I've just completed lots of fantastic summer spring goodies that will available on the site and in select stores
Remember that mail order catalog, Fingerhut? think back to yer granny's house. They sell cheap electronics workout equipment, clothing jewelry and other sears reject items. I received a catalog from them in the mail today. So I started to flip through it and low and behold I saw Apple bottom scubs. Nelly must be maaaaaad broke cuz roc-a-pads was a joke and Nelly Nurse scubs should be too. You can even put them on lay-a-way just in case yer check from kaiser hasn't cleared yet.
Posted by
The Dooky
9:17 PM
Labels: Apple bottom, fashion, nelly, nurses, wrong