Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Well boys and girls, I'm done with threadless. They are an amazing company and their whole story is really inspiring, but I don't think my designs mesh with their ideals. From the tone of this entry ya'll can correctly assume that my Colored Fountain Tee was rejected. The email they sent me stated 'design contains material deemed inappropriate', from 'the Jake' (WTF). Well I know it's a bit edgy but I figured I give it a try because it's well designed simple in execution and complex in meaning...pretty good components for a tee ;) The only concept that I ever had accepted by threadless had been dumbed down, so what's the point. It's time to concentrate on more productive outlets instead of pondering ways to fit into a box. This tee will be part of the spring junkprints collection and available for sale soon.
Posted by
The Dooky
5:17 PM
I HATE ART...the fancy kind
Hey Doodies
I just got back from Surface Magazine's Avant Guardian party..whoo haaa fantsy pantsy...whatever! After being bounced around at the door, they had to determine what list we were on...go figure...the annoyed intern at the door was kind enough to let us in. thx dude, I'm not being sarcastic. Now comes the sarcasm, first off the line up looked like the line to view a deceased person. Everyone was in black, these design/photo junkies seen to have a repugnance for color. No one was smiling but us...I rolled 6 deep, just incase the party was lame we could make our own. The photo work was alright, some better than others but over all nothing new. The whole event got me thinking about snobbery and elitism. I couldn't help but picture these people stepping over homeless people and what nots while discussing on thier iPhones how horrible the African Aids epidemic is and it's great that the new Frank Gehry building was inspired by Rwanda Genocide. Weird I hope this junkprints thing works out cuz I really don't want to do menial creative work in these types of environments ever again. I hate feeling like what I make is irrelevant to my surroundings. I can stomach it not being imperative for survival...but irrelevant is like donating Prada bags to Katrina victims.
Posted by
The Dooky
1:06 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I think I'm the only US person that admits to having Canada envy, but with sites like this how could you not! Canadian design is awesome because...they work for grants not for everyone may be broke, but they are fed and can go to the hospital for shits and giggles and not worry about if their insurance will cover the ban-aid. What a laid back life, so they are hyper creative and insecure because the are butt up against the U.S....funny thing is that, now there dollar is more than ours so, I wonder how long the insecurity will last? Enough about all that...check this out!
Posted by
The Dooky
2:59 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
You know how I have a love hate relationship with Threadless, well, I'm back at it. I designed this Colored Fountain shirt take a look. Whether or not it wins the whole threadless thing it will get produced...just like the Brain Fugglers did. So take a sneak peek and I'll let ya'll know if they end up approving it.
Posted by
The Dooky
9:58 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Yesterday was one of those weird days that 'non-artists' think that 'artists' have all the time. First off, I didn't go to sleep until around 6am yesterday. UPS buzzed at 8a and I couldn't go back to sleep. Why was I up so late/early? well that's cuz I was working on some pretty amazing sh!t That I'll tell ya about in a few days...back to the story, so as you can imagine I was simply a sac of idle cells for the majority of the day. My friend who's the most fantastical flight attendant/yarn guru ya ever did meet called and told me that she was in town for the day. So had her come over. We pretty much drank green tea all day and bitched about our ovaries while boiling patches of yarn so that she could experiment with felting. Yep, you heard me right, felting. Generally I'm not a yarn boiler, so I balled up and knotted a piece of interpretive flower, and dropped it in the pot. Those felting experts that are reading this already know that I ended up with a fuzzy piece of yarn (aka interpretive flower). Bare with me, my story has a point. My yarn flower, unravelled had shrunk to the perfect length of a cat's cradle string. This was discovered on the subway while I accompanied my pal to her hotel. She wrapped the yarn around both wrists slipped her index fingers through both sides. At that moment the whole day made sense! She was setting up for cat's cradle! The whole freaking day had been a set up for this one of the oldest games that exits! We played the whole subway trip which is normally around a 45 min but felt like 10. I guess my day wasn't an exact waste and I learned that felting's not so bad but Cat's Cradle is better.
Since I'm all about books, Cat's Cradle and Kurt Vonnegut, I couldn't end this with out mentioning that Kurt of my top five fave authors for forever and ever amen wrote a book called Cat's for those that need validation for Cat's Cradle, there you have it.
Posted by
The Dooky
10:22 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Well a wise fellow once said, "Spread love it's the Brooklyn way." This post is keeping it close to home. There's not much that I love more than a good ol' well designed font. When I can across STEREO TYPE HAUS' Sirena, I sighed a long sigh of relief and was instantly inspired. You may recognize their fonts from my favorite marketing mag THE FADER. This Brooklyn based foundry really has it going on! What's pretty amazing is their freakin' prices....only $33 for the Sirena gem.
Monday, October 15, 2007
I know ya'll can read cuz yer reading this. This quote is from elequently stated musicians such a D'Mite, "Read a book n!%$a, not a magazine" If you'd like suggestion I have one. It's called the Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster. It's one of my fave books, not only does it have clever illustrations...oh I forgot to tell ya it's a kid's book, but if you didn't read it as a kid you should hurry up and get to reading because you could not possible live up to yer potention without reading this. Everytime I pass by restless folks in the neighborhood,you know, the uninspired 27 year old dudes that hang out at the laundomat, on the corner, McDonalds etc., I always wanna give them this book and a shot of wheatgrass.
Posted by
The Dooky
1:54 PM
Labels: book, bored, Norton Juster, phantom, wheatgrass
Euro fever has taken over here at junkprints. While I was street vending last weekend. A fine gentleman told me that my work reminded him of Hannah Hoch! Usually it sucks for anyone to tell ya that yer work reminds them of someone elses, except for in this case. Hannah Hoch is one one of my favorite artists. She's a German artist who helped shape the Dada movement and one of the foremothers of photomontage as a form of art. That's not all folks, during the whole Nazi reign she was one of the few major artists of her time and locale that didn't particite in all the government commissioned propaganda.
When I was teenager I had this nickname, Double Time Behind. It's a double entendre (I've always wanted to use that phrase on my blog). I was always late and had 2 times the behind of a normal person. I'd like to think that I've outgrown both of those attributes....but me posting this about the new (well new to me) Paris issue of XLR8R proves that I can still be a bit late on things. Any hoot, Something about France is calling me...pls see the signs
1.Use to wear my hair in French Twist when I was 12
2. Luv CocoRosie.
3. New Parisian MySpace friend who looks like the dude from Gym Class heroes...ooh laa lah
4. Really love The GO! Team I know they aren't french but they were in the XLR8R French issue
5. My bestie is obsessed w/ all things french...she's east it's pretty strange that she pretends to be Parisian
6. Been following the career of illustrator extraordinaire Fafi before Le Sport Sac and addidas had even been born!
7. Am the president of Mathieu "Ndeur" Missianen's fan club
8. Stopped shaving my arm pits...tried to ditch deodorant, but that's too French for me...everyone has their limits
9. Nina Simone got back on her feet on the streets of Paris is 1978
10. To the point...XLR8R just did an ode to Paris...I luv it!
Well, Tu che, Escargot, Bonjour, Merde, Merci and all things French
Signing off-The dooky
Posted by
The Dooky
12:27 PM
Labels: art, coco rosie, france, illustration, paris, The GO Team, travel, XLR8R
Saturday, October 13, 2007
So I was out and about the other night and I met some very talented dudes who are the creative minds behind RockersNYC. I'm usually a bit selfish with the whole 'linking to creative people', Which is mostly because I'm a bit insecure and scared that you'll like them more than me, but these guys are super nice, I luv their clothing and their site is fine times had by all.
Posted by
The Dooky
7:26 PM
Labels: design, designers, indie label, jamaica, jamaican, nyc
It's not that I don't love you. I know that I usually keep you posted on all the happening and you may be feeling a bit neglected lately, I just need to experience more. So I did a sneak attack street vending session on Lincoln my hood, as part of ArtMart 11225. It was great and it made me realize how much i luv my neighbors. Thanks Jeff, Andy and all the rest of the coordinators for the event. See ya around Soon.
Posted by
The Dooky
7:18 PM
Labels: artmart11225, brooklyn, cheater, fair, vending
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Posted by
The Dooky
9:07 PM
Labels: design, gold, jewelry, name plate, paint, plastic, sparkly
Monday, October 01, 2007
Jena...reminds me of Little Rock
I've been pretty bugged out about the whole Jena situation. While a good chunk of students are a few weeks into there first college semester, these students are dukeing it out in the courts. One of the most disturbing parts is when it it become this whole 'the white people hate black people' thing. I know that racial discrimination exists but the second Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson get involved the situation kind of turns into a joke. They mean well, but honestly Al Sharpton have way too much in common for me to take either one of them seriously and its really hard for me to imagine Rev. Jesse Jackson and MLK kicking it together.
So I had an idea, besides all the media hoopla and the general disruption of peaceful life, what could be one of the most challenging parts of going through this whole situation be? Well I decided that it is the cost of whole trial, lawyers, fees etc. So I made this shirt. It's for sale at my site and $10 from every shirt sold will be donated to the Jena 6 Defense Committee
Posted by
The Dooky
12:10 PM
Labels: design, injustice, jena, jena 6, Little Rock, racism, tee, tree